Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Rape Culture in 2014

So I came across this article from a friend that speaks of rape culture in 2014 and how views on rape are (very slowly)  beginning to surface in society. Women and men have been afraid to speak up due to being blamed for the incident themselves. I hope you read this article and do some more research into the topic because the world is finally starting to speak up and victims are beginning to defend themselves and others.

"As long as our culture enables and excuses sexual assault, it does not matter how many women say, "Yes, rape happens; it happened to me." If people don't want to believe that rape occurs, they'll find a way not to. It does not matter how much data there is showing the alarming frequency of sexual violence. It does not matter how many rape stories we hear. As we've learned far too many times, it does not even matter if the assault is videotaped or photographed, if the victim is crying or unconscious or obviously intoxicated to the point of incapacitation. People will find a way to insist that she's lying, that she's delusional or that she was asking for it anyway."

This article (and many others) are drawing attention to this movement and we've all had enough.

Fight on my lovelies


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