Saturday, January 17, 2015

I'm The Rehab, You're The Drugs

I have dyed my hair with the blood of my enemies
Its been a crazy week of classes and working so up until now I haven't had a chance to really breathe let alone blog. I basically worked for an *almost* 16 hour shift and pulled an all nighter at the same time all while I was going to class and doing homework so for about 48 hours I felt like superwoman until I sat down and just plummeted. I fell asleep at 5 pm on tuesday and then woke up again at 8 the next morning for class but I honestly could've slept more had my alarm not gone off. Besides that I've been at the house just hanging out and doing homework (sometimes).

Got a long weekend and I have the entire weekend off work so I'm enjoying my time since this may never happen again. Today was gorgeous outside and not

too cold either which was nice.

Be safe


From Rachels birthday. We went ice skating!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Let It Snow

Look at all the snow! 
Well now when I finally beginning to accept the lack of snow in my area, BAM I wake up this morning and there is a blanket of snow (and a LOT of it) and I felt like a little kid and got super excited. Its my first real snow (besides from when I was a kid a long time ago) and I didn't slip when I walked in it!

Last night I got super restless when I got home and decided to clean my entire apartment! Like I said, I'm trying to go for a more zen vibe so I'm thinking about rearranging my furniture and getting more open space in my living room and moving around my bed and stuff in my room.

Happy Tuesday lovelies!


Rape Culture in 2014

So I came across this article from a friend that speaks of rape culture in 2014 and how views on rape are (very slowly)  beginning to surface in society. Women and men have been afraid to speak up due to being blamed for the incident themselves. I hope you read this article and do some more research into the topic because the world is finally starting to speak up and victims are beginning to defend themselves and others.

"As long as our culture enables and excuses sexual assault, it does not matter how many women say, "Yes, rape happens; it happened to me." If people don't want to believe that rape occurs, they'll find a way not to. It does not matter how much data there is showing the alarming frequency of sexual violence. It does not matter how many rape stories we hear. As we've learned far too many times, it does not even matter if the assault is videotaped or photographed, if the victim is crying or unconscious or obviously intoxicated to the point of incapacitation. People will find a way to insist that she's lying, that she's delusional or that she was asking for it anyway."

This article (and many others) are drawing attention to this movement and we've all had enough.

Fight on my lovelies


Monday, January 5, 2015

Black Out Days

Hello children, long time no speak.
Work selfies are the best selfies. 

I hope everyone had a wonderful (and safe) New Years Eve! I myself closed the store and then went to the guys house for their "Glitter and Underwear" party which was a blast in itself. No pictures because it is all mostly incriminating. It was a lot of fun though, I've been at this house every day for a week and its been a lot of fun. I feel very welcomed in this house now (and I am super happy about that).

So far in this new year, I have a few things I am changing about myself. First: I have gone back to being a vegetarian. I just feel a lot healthier and lighter and it just represents my morals and personal standards. Second: Along with the vegetarian diet, I will be adding yoga to my exercise routine to bring back my flexibility and deep breathing. I want to make 2015 a very zen year for me just full of good vibes. I'm going to be painting my living room really soon like a warm brick red and I bought some incense and candles. Third: I am cutting my caffeine content down very low (as much as it pains me) because my dependence is slightly scary. This week I haven't had coffee and I've been slightly more cranky than usual but I've been holding up pretty well by just drinking tea. Lot of green tea too.

Anyway, this week has been eventful and very eye opening and I really look forward to this year.
Happy New Year!
