Friday, August 15, 2014

The Way I Am

Adventures to Target yesterday and down Forbes was interesting. It was the first time I had ridden the bus to get groceries. It was a little humiliating actually, I tripped getting on and then sat in the wrong part of the bus ( I sat in the handicapped seating face palm) but I made it there in one piece even though I am a fool. It's all good though, now I know. Its the same bus I took to school it just went outbound instead of inbound. On my way back, I got off a little earlier than I planned (on purpose) so I could walk down Forbes and just look around but it was nice getting a walk in .

I also dropped by the womens hospital for UPMC and introduced myself and told them I had applied for a part time job so hopefully I'll get a call soon. I tried to meet someone at the main hospital but they wouldnt have it but I did leave my name and number so fingers crossed.

Looking for a job is a full time job let me tell ya. But I'm excited for classes to start already. It'll give me something to do that I'll enjoy. I looked up my professors and it looks promising, they all seem to have a good pass rate so I'm sure I'll be fine.

Anyways, most of my adventures for today are over and its only 1 PM here. I'll probably go for a run a little later since I cant sit on this couch a minute longer.


I aspire to be like Yang

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