Tuesday, March 11, 2014

We Are Living In A Material World

I have reached a point in my life where I dislike the sun so much and don't like looking ashy and pale so I went out and bought a self tanner. Yup, I bought a tan in  a bottle. But it actually works and it looks natural for me so why not you know? It mostly because tomorrow I'll be going to Disney with Rachel and I'm wearing shorts so I feel self conscious about my lack of a tan.

But yeah, Disney is tomorrow! I've planned this for like 2 months and I'm so excited the day is finally here. We're both so excited and we cant wait to spend the whole day together and be princesses.

Today, it was back to school, my first class got cancelled so I fot to sleep which was really nice and then I felt a lot better than the past two days. I have to get some sleep tonight too because we'll be getting up early as hell to leave so I don't want to be exhausted. We're going to get some iced coffee (not espresso, tactical error on my part last time) and some breakfast and then we hit the road! We are getting there super early because we're determined to be there early and spend literally the entire day there.

But today was pretty good, and mostly relaxing. Nice to have a day off!

But the rest of the night I'll be watching movies with Rachel and then get some sleep. I wont be posting until Thursday and then you'll see my cute outfit and what a great time we had.

Happy Tuesday lovelies!


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