I don't always panic but when I do, I Panic! At The Disco

Long story short, Stacey, Cassandra and I slowly edged our way through the crowd until we were pleasantly close enough to the stage to see Panic! and to hear the music nice and clearly. First, we saw Andrew McMahon In The Wilderness (really awesome, check him out) and then we waited for another artist to finish up so Panic would then play.

Tomorrow (September 29th), Panic is releasing their next single Victorious (hence the title) and I am so excited I am probably not going to be able to sleep tonight (ohwellidontcare). Stacey and I agreed that, if money permits, we are going to buy backstage passes next time Panic! At The Disco goes on tour.
I've been a huge fan since their first album was released 10 years ago but wasn't able to see them live until the Vices and Virtues tour in 2011. I remember being in school and seeing tickets go on sale for their Florida dates and my excitement when I saw that they would be playing in my rinky-dink little town that no one cares about and they would be playing ON my birthday. Needless to say, my 16th birthday was my favorite birthday because I got to see my favorite band. Now that I'm 20 and working a big girl job and going to school, I don't have time to go to concerts but I will always go see them. I was just as excited to see them now as I was when I was 16 and that's something that I think will never go away.
Saturday was more relaxed, not as many teenagers around and more hipster-like music. LIGHTS was playing that night and so was Manchester Orchestra. Cassandra and I got to be up front for both those shows and they were really amazing. Sunday was a study day for me but I met up with Stacey in hopes of seeing the super moon/lunar eclipse but silly Pittsburgh was cloudy and we saw nothing. The night wasn't a total waste though, we got to lay down in the park and look at the sky and the occasional stars that shined through and it was a nice way to end the weekend.
I hope everyone had a really safe and really fun weekend! Thanks for reading through my sappy feelings for a band.